Global Convene Family Gathering

September 13-15, 2023  |  Berlin Germany

Join us September 12-16 in Berlin Germany (gathering will be the 13-15) for our Global Convene Family Gathering. We are so grateful to have our European leaders hosting us.

This year’s gathering will include: hearing about the progress of the regions, dreaming about a potential church planting as a family in Germany, understanding more about the impact of the 2nd world war via an underground tour of Berlin, learning about the advent of a second reformation, and other great experiences. A detailed program will follow closer to the dates. 

It would be an honor to have you there. This year’s gathering will also include some of our Elders (Baby Boomers) Snr Leader (Snr Pastors and Movement leaders) Gen-X leaders, and Millennial leaders and their Gen-Z disciples. 

It’s exciting to imagine what God will do with this gathering which may be the last of this format due to the changing landscape of our world and constraints of gathering all the 4 generations all at once. Therefore your presence is highly coveted.